Use a Outdoor Fountain To Help Boost Air Quality

You can animate your living space by installing an indoor wall fountain. Your senses and your wellness can benefit from the installation of one of these indoor features. The science behind this theory supports the idea that water fountains can positively affect your health. Modern-day appliances create positive ions which are balanced out by the ne

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Where did Landscape Fountains Originate from?

A fountain, an amazing piece of engineering, not only supplies drinking water as it pours into a basin, it can also launch water high into the air for an extraordinary effect. Originally, fountains only served a practical purpose. Inhabitants of urban areas, townships and small towns used them as a source of drinking water and a place to wash up, w

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Keeping Your Wall Water Fountain Clean

Proper care and regular upkeep are important to the longevity of water fountains. Leaves, twigs, and bugs often find their way into fountains, so it is vital to keep yours free from such things. Also, algae tends to build up wherever natural light meets water. To avoid this, take vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or sea salt and add right into the water.

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Rome’s Ingenious Water Delivery Solutions

Rome’s very first raised aqueduct, Aqua Anio Vetus, was built in 273 BC; before that, citizens residing at higher elevations had to rely on natural springs for their water. Outside of these aqueducts and springs, wells and rainwater-collecting cisterns were the only technologies obtainable at the time to supply water to locations o

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The Innumerable Choices in Garden Wall Fountains

A small patio or a courtyard is a great spot to put your wall fountain when you need peace and quiet. Moreover, it can be designed to fit into any wall space since it does not take up much room. A spout, a water basin, internal piping, and a pump are necessary for freestanding as well as mounted varieties. There are any variety of models to choose

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